Wednesday, June 18, 2008

June 18, 2008 - More to Remember You By

Dear Little Dog,

It was overcast and raining a bit this morning. I have always loved the rain and mornings such as this, but you were so afraid of storms, Little Dog, and you hated to get your feet wet. Then, I saw it . . . a huge rainbow overhead. Did you see it, too? I'll bet you had a better view of it from where you are. I thought of you and that poem "The Rainbow Bridge" and wondered if it was God's way of telling us that you really are waiting for us in such a place.

I found out that your bookmarks were shipped two days ago so they will be here soon. The clinic hasn't called to say that your ashes are back and ready for pick up. Thank God in some respects though I do wish to bring "you" home. I want the call, but I don't. We haven't been back to the vet since your last appointment. I think it is still too soon.

I found another website where pets can be memorialized, and so, I have created a site for you. You even have your own web address. It is I want to thank for having such a beautiful free service available to those who grieve the loss of loved ones.

Another website that I found last night is called, and there is a beautiful and thoughtful forum there to discuss pets who are living and those who have passed away. I am going to start a memorial thread there for you, too, as they invite grieving pet owners to do so.

Love and miss you, Little!

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